Wednesday 26 January 2011

Weeks 1 & 2 with the most gorgeous boy on the planet

Well, we have survived 2 weeks with James! He is absolutely delightful and SO lovely. James is a good sleeper but his parents are light sleepers - this makes his grunts, snorts, whimpers, sighs, loud dreams, constant hiccups (a souvenir he brought along from the womb), toots, and poops difficult to ignore. Therefore, we take turns with night duty. Well, Nathan is mostly the one sacrificing his precious sleep. He lets me go into another room for the night whilst he attempts to “sleep”, only waking me for feedings, or for an emergency projectile poo clean-up operation. Actually, upon reflection, I think I’ve only awoken him for emergency projectile poo clean-up operations.

James had his first outing to visit the family doctor for his week 1 check-up. The boy is doing great! He had lost some weight in the hospital (to be expected until mum’s milk came in) but has been gaining it back. :)

Stats at birth:

weight: 9 lb. 2 oz. (89%)
length: 21.5” (97%)

Stats at week 1:

weight: 8 lb. 8 oz. (68%)
length: 21.25” (85%)
head: 14.9” (78%)

James is the greatest blessing in our lives. We adore and love him deeply. We stare at him constantly marveling at his perfection. What a treasure he is and as all new parents do, we resolve to provide the best mortal life we can for him.

His eye colour seems to be remaining blue, even when wearing brown. There are moments when James looks like me, but his features are very much Nathan at the moment. I expect we’ll be seeing a nicer mix as James grows. :) James has been a great eater since day 1, which has been brilliant. My milk arrived on the Thursday morning the week of his birth. I’m grateful that I seem to be able to provide enough milk to satisfy him. Yay! Oh, his umbilical cord came off after only 8 days. Now, we take regular baths instead of those awful sponge baths (he didn't like those).

James, my boy, you are the best!

Here are some new pictures and video of the little man. :)

1 week! James and Mum

In this one, he looks like me in one of my baby pictures! Yay! I'm in there somewhere!

Beautiful, sleeping babe.

First bath in his new tub!

Short video of James being swaddled by his dad. I LOVE his huge pacifier and sucking sounds.


Eichmeiers said...

Aww he is so precious!! I hear you on sleeping lightly, i hate it. I usually put them in their own pretty quickly so we all can sleep! Congrats again, he is so dang cute. Fun for you new parents:)

Ryan and Celeste said...

Congrats! He is so dang cute!

Candace said...

Fun, Fun!! New babies are so much fun. James is adorable! You probably didn't even know that I read your blog but I do. Have a great time being parents, it's the best!

Kiera said...

Awwww I want to come see him!! And you and Nathan of course. Call or text me when a good time would be.

The Hatch Batch said...

Congrats to you both on the new arrival! You're such cute first time parents:) He is a darling little guy. So happy for you!

Britters and Parx said...

He is BEAUTIFUL!!! Congrats! Can't believe that he is here already...feels like just a few months ago we were talking about getting prego. =) Keep the posts coming! Brit how you feeling?