Sunday, 11 January 2009

p i c t u r e s

Sunset 11 January

Moonrise 11 January
the battle for light has begun

Late sunrise in Syracuse. The Southeast of England certainly did not have regular snow days. I missed how glorious the snow can make the land appear.

Ben Lomond Peak glowing from the last light of the day. I missed this mountain! Nathan and I visited the 1st Ben Lomond Peak in Scotland ~ equally stunning. :)

Our newest nephew James in England doing what babies do best... besides pooing.

Cayde's son Isaac paying homage to Liverpool FC. This one's for you, Nathan. ;)

Cayde with his adorable twins.

Giving my future niece the kiss of death. Brianna is ready to give birth any day.

Thursday, 8 January 2009


We had a lovely Christmas and a not so lovely New Year’s Eve, for Nathan and I bid farewell to each other on the 31st. I have mixed emotional associations with London Gatwick Airport for either I’m coming home, eagerly awaiting the embrace and sweet kiss of my true love, or having to leave his divine presence. *sigh*

We expect Nathan to be granted his Visa sometime in February. Surprisingly, the notorious American Visa process has moved very quickly for us – perhaps because we have fervent prayer on our side? :)

Nathan had a very successful knee surgery the Sunday before Christmas. According to the post-op appointment, the surgeon indicated that Nathan will be in perfect condition come February.
Nathan was instructed to arrive at the Hospital at 8:00 am. We arrived at 7:30, before the nurses and surgeons, just to be safe. It turned out that 7 other patients were instructed to arrive at the same time. Hmmmm. Then we found out that Nathan was LAST to be operated on, which meant he'd be seen to at 2:30 pm. HMMMMM. The unfortunate thing was we had to drive an hour from home to be at this particular hospital so we couldn't easily go home and wait a few hours. The fortunate thing was this hospital had reclining chairs! Bless the NHS for their idiotic scheduling but for their reclining chairs.

It has been wonderful to fly back to the glorious snow-covered Utah. The mountains never fail to impress. I'm hoping to go skiing/snowboarding but as we're desperately poor, no chance this season. :(

I have entered my final semester of licensure to become a Speech Language Technician. Finally! I’ve decided to post-pone my graduate studies for a few years. I have NO motivation to continue my education at this time.

I’m trying to get Nathan to write a few blog entries because they will be far more detailed and interesting to read. Until then, you’re stuck with me.

Christmas morning.

While I was away...
Nathan has become a scruffy scavenging man. Heh. Not really. I made him grow his hair and beard out and send me a picture - sexy! grrr, baby. very grrr!